Michael Eigenmann, born in 1977 in Zug, first worked as a chef, then trained as a show technician with Konzept5 Mitch Dilier.
Since 2012, he has been employed as a lighting technician at Lucerne’s Südpol. He also works on various projects, including Steps, Theaterspektakel Zürich, Schlossmediale Werdenberg, Taktlos Festival Zürich.
Since 2018, co-owner of Kultur-Technik luciferVox GmbH.
Since 2021, owner of the company Eigenmann Lichtgetaltung.
With the latter, he regularly highlights music concerts in the fields of jazz, rock, pop, classical and contemporary music.
Lives in Lucerne with his family.
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Astride Schlaefli
+41 (0)79 628 33 48
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